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Report a problem

If you think you've been targeted by a fraudster, let us know straight away.

My card is missing or stolen

If your card is lost, stolen or likely to be misused, we provide 24-hour assistance. 

The quickest way to prevent fraudulent use of your cards it to temporarily block your card online banking. If your card turns up, you can unblock it and start using it again. 

If you think your card has been lost or stolen, report it to us as soon as possible.                                            

If you don't have mobile or online banking, please phone our 24-hour emergency line to report your card.

From with the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man call us on:

0345 600 6161

From overseas call us on:

+44 1470 697139

Lines are open 8am to 8pm every day. Charges may be incurred if calling from overseas.

For more information on card protection online, check out our card security page.

I don't recognise a payment or transfer

If you think a payment or transfer could be fraud, get in touch with us.

Call us immediately on:

0345 600 6161

From overseas call us on:

+44 1470 697139

Lines are open 8am to 8pm every day. Charges may be incurred if calling from overseas.

For more information on card protection online, check out our card security page.

I want to dispute a payment or transaction

If there's a payment or transaction that you recognise but wish to dispute, go to our query a transaction page to raise a dispute.

My card is damaged and I want to order a replacement

If your card is damaged, please follow these steps

  1. Log on to online banking
  2. Hover over "Account services"
  3. Select the "replace a damaged card" menu option

For more information, including other options to request a replacement card

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